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By Coopery

United Kingdom

I have a pomegranate tree that I bought as a young plant. I’ve kept it inside and have been watering it, and it’s now ready to transfer to a bigger pot.
There seems to be another plant (different I think) growing in the pot with it! Does anyone have any ideas what this is? Should I replant it in the same pot with the pomegranate tree? I’m a very inexperienced gardener... any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!



The leaves on the second plant do look different from the rest - just not sure it isn't off the rootstock, but either way, it should be removed. When you repot, investigate where that's coming from - if its off the roots of the pomegranate, wrench it off, otherwise, just pull it out and then put it in the new pot. And water thoroughly...

2 May, 2018


It looks something like a nightshade, to me.

3 May, 2018


Thank you for your responses!

I’ve replanted the pomegranate now. The other plant wasn’t attached to the pomegranate’s roots, so it was fine.
I’ve replanted the other plant too (separately)... curious to see what it becomes! x

3 May, 2018

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