By Jenlewis
United Kingdom
I.D. please.
Can some kind person I.D. This plant for me. Been in this house nearly 3 years and still getting the odd plant come up that didn't know was there. Hubby keeps asking me what I think it is so thought I had better ask lol. Thank you Jen

8 May, 2018
Thank you Bamboo. I can tell him what it is now ?. How are you doing?
8 May, 2018
Lol. Just looked it up and he was partly right. He said it looked like the onion family. Now got to decide if to tell him he was right ?.
8 May, 2018
Okay at the moment, thanks... if you say Allium, he might not realise that's the onion family, but you might as well come clean;-)) He does deserve a bit of credit for that, galling though it might be!
8 May, 2018
my purple sensation are about 3ft tall and the standard A aflatuensis is just a bit taller. I prefer A cristophii as it is shorter.
8 May, 2018
Bamboo, I came clean when I took his lunch out to the workshop and his reply was "I was right, I told you it looked like a onion". What he doesn't know is i have just buutered him up as shortly, we are on our way out and one of our jobs is to call into a local garden nursery to pick up a pot and i plan to look at the plants and maybe give a new home to one or two lol. Glad you are ok at moment.
Thank you Seaburngirl, got to go out but will later look it up in more detail.
8 May, 2018
ah, yes, a bit of credit and praise goes a long way!
8 May, 2018
Sad, isn't it, Bamboo? :)
9 May, 2018
Well, on the face of it, yea, but actually its part of life, giving and receiving 'strokes'. Even saying good morning to a neighbour and having them say it back is a 'stroke'... just think how rebuffed/offended we feel if they don't respond, or respond negatively!
9 May, 2018
So true!! I have only I real neighbour and they have made it very clear they don't want "talking over the hedge" when we moved in. She said she can't stand neighbours taking to her when she is in her garden. He can be up a tree overlooking our garden or the same on his house roof and not say a word. Last spring we had their builders in our garden for 2 days with only a sort of 1 days notice and not even a thank you till 2 weeks later when Tim went to talk to them about drilling into our boundary (not party) wall without asking. They cut off our water mains for 8hrs by digging through it and didn't even come and tell us, plus lots of other things that have made us feel that we are not considered about living next to them. Relationship has totally broken down unfortunately and I hate it. I have always got on with my neighbours even if it is just to say "morning".
10 May, 2018
Trouble is, Jen, it takes two to tango... if they have social difficulties (which they clearly do) its impossible...
10 May, 2018
Bamboo, so true again. We really did try at 1st but when as you put it, the strokes are all one way, then resentment starts to creep in. Life is give and take. OH I didn't get any new plants the other day. Mother nature wasn't playing ball. Just as we got to garden nursery the heavens opened up and I only had a T shirt on so just grabbed the pots ?
10 May, 2018
Oh dear! Well you can't win 'em all I guess...
10 May, 2018
It's an Allium - as its so tall, it might be Allium giganteum, but the colour of the flowers looks more like Allium 'Purple Sensation', though that's usually shorter than this one.
8 May, 2018