United Kingdom
What is the best thing to do with the bulbs in a bulb lasagne pot? It was a success and had crocus, daffs and tulips. Another pot wasn't quite so good as the tulips never did anything. I'll take out the bulbs form the least lovely one. But is it worth leaving the bulbs in the other one, feeding, and hope for the best? Or should I take them all out and replant in autumn?
14 May, 2018
Thankyou Tugbtethil. That is really informative. If it's so difficult for tulips to recover, it sounds like it's not a good environment for them.
16 May, 2018
With rare exceptions, Tulips in a container could be considered a temporary flower arrangement: enjoy while they bloom, then throw them away. Hyacinths and some Daffodils work the same way, especially if they are crowded into a shallow bowl, but they usually don't take as long to recover, so they are more likely to be worth saving.
17 May, 2018
Thanks Tug. I don't think I'll put tulips in containers in the future. Not worth the expense if they are being thrown away when they finish.
17 May, 2018
I have several pots like this and they are deep pots [2'6"] and the tulips [ballerina] are 6inches deep and have flowered for the last 3 years. the hyacinths have also flowered with few flowers per spike but as a consequence they haven't been top heavy. I feed them and leave them until the leaves go yellow. I then remove the top 2" of compost replace it and add bedding plants.
I also have early harvest that have flowered Feb for the last 3 yrs. I do think it depends on the variety and allowing them plenty of time to die back. They never fully dry out either. lifting bulbs and storing them in a shed or similar means they get too hot and dry out.
18 May, 2018
I would keep the bulbs fed and watered until the leaves turn yellow, and then plant them out in appropriate spots in the ground. It is an unusual bulb lasagna that keeps the bulbs healthy enough to bloom the second year. Some bulbs, such as Tulips, may take up to three years to recover enough to bloom again.
15 May, 2018