By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi All
Sorry for my absence from GOY which as been through illness so I have not been interested and I have neglected the garden for about 3 years anyway the question is I would like to grow some spuds in 30L pots have I left it too late to plant a main crop and salad potatoes
15 May, 2018
If you can find them, then second earlies will still do the trick as they will need a shorter growing time than maincrop to mature.
15 May, 2018
Welcome back Steve - hope good health reigns all round now! Bet you have some weeding to do!
15 May, 2018
I live in the US so I'm hard pressed to recommend a variety. I usually get 2 crops of 'Yukon Golds' per season. I think they are available in the UK. They may be known as Natoora Yukon Gold Potatoes. They have a nice buttery flavor built in.
15 May, 2018
No it's not too late, but I wouldn't delay much longer.
15 May, 2018