By Barbarak
North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I have a philadelphus and deutzia bought as young plants 2 years ago. Last year I missed the flowering but know that the deutzia flowered but there were no signs that the philadelphus had flowered. This year there are lots of flowers on the deutzia but no signs of any again on the philadelphus, just plenty of new growth. They are next to each other in full sun from dawn to about 3pm at this time of the year. Any ideas why no flowers. It has not been pruned at all.
- 21 May, 2018
I agree with what Derek says. so nothing to worry about. also remember that Philadelphus flowers on old wood, so don't prune it until after it has flowered, not in the spring.
21 May, 2018
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Hi, Deutzia flower very easily, but Philadelphus seem to want a few years to settle in, my P virginal has been there if I remember rightly, about 4 years, had a few flowers last year, but this year is covered in buds, so don't worry, it will flower eventually, Derek.
21 May, 2018