By Nonnapauline
United States
Is there a weed with leaves exactly like potentilla?
28 May, 2018
On the assumption you mean Potentilla fruticosa (rather than the shrubby form of Potentilla), I suppose the leaves of Herb Bennet might be mistaken for it, but its not that likely, it looks most similar to Geum, since it is actually a geum. Would be good to see a photo...
28 May, 2018
then there is Potentilla anserine [silverweed] which can have very few leaflets.
a photo would be useful.
welcome to GoY too :o)
28 May, 2018
I get wild strawberry plant and they look very like Potentillas
28 May, 2018
Yes Stera, and I have the reverse! What I thought might be wild strawberry has turned out to be potentilla, or whatever this weed is. The one in my garden is not silverweed. I also have a lot of the shrubby wild geum which takes a bit of getting out.
1 Jun, 2018
What I think of as silverweed isn't at all like strawberry leaves although its in the potenitilla family Different shape leaf,, different colour -deifinitely silver in my garden.
2 Jun, 2018
Yes and it's everywhere in my garden! I thought I must have all of it! I think it is of the potentilla family but someone will know its proper name. Runs over the surface and puts down quite deep roots and is the very devil to get rid of.
28 May, 2018