By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
When is it okay to cut back hellebore leaves that seem to be taking over the flower beds? Thanks.
Also a few flowers didn't flower this spring ie epimediums, dodecatheon. Did any one else have this problem?
1 Jun, 2018
I agree, take the old ones off and the ones that do get in the way. But don't take more than 1/3 of them off as it will weaken the plant.
2 of my Epimediums didn't flower either. I think they were the more tender ones and got 'nipped' by the frosts in that late cold snap.
2 Jun, 2018
I take my dead Hellebore leaves off and leave the new ones. My yellow Epimediums flowered but the white ones didn't. (Have always relied on my memory for plant names and it is letting me down these days so can't tell you the varieties)
2 Jun, 2018
This time of year the hellebores have got their new flush of leaves, all the old yellowing ones can be cut back as can the flower stalks now, sometimes you can get quite a lot of new growth, I always cut a few of these back to stop them spilling over onto the lawn, which keeps them looking good.
1 Jun, 2018