By Tryharder
United Kingdom
Hi there, I am trying to train my wisteria over a metal archway and can anybody tell me if it is the long thin new shoots that you tie in to do this please. Any advice would be grateful, have googled it but really only tells you about pruning
Thanks in advance
4 Jun, 2018
Usually, you don't have to tie anything, as the shoots normally wrap themselves tightly around anything less than 7 cm thick--even metal.
4 Jun, 2018
Thanks for info
Hopefully will grow in right direction then🌱➡️
30 Jun, 2018
Previous question
« P.S. and the plant has been in the same pot for well over 10 years. . Will it...
Hi, yes the new growths are the ones you tie in, but not permanently, as these are also the ones that you have to prune back, to encourage flower buds, but your metal arch will have to be a VERY strong 1, as these thin whippy shoots, will become quite thick and heavy over the years, Derek.
4 Jun, 2018