Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
I have 2 pine trees growing in the front of my house - should I replant - will they die if i do?
- 28 Aug, 2010
Pines can be difficult to transplant. You need to transplant in the late autumn/early winter. Try to transplant by digging out the the tree taking the biggest rootball you can manage. The bigger the rootball the better chance of survival. Pines grow best in full sun. Grow it well away from the house.
I hope this helps.
28 Aug, 2010
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It depends on how big they are, and how far from your house, too, guest. I'm assuming that you're concerned about their proximity to the house, or else the light they're cuuting out.
Unfortunately, as a guest, you can't answer any questions - how about joining us so that you can get some informed advice?
28 Aug, 2010