By Shannie04
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
We have a small front garden that doesn't got much sun until the late afternoon. We decided we would go Alpine as they appeared to be hardy plants succulents etc WA so disappointed when a lot of them died both flowers and Succulants we have just a few left. I realise we had an awful winter (we live In West Midlands) and a cul-de-sac that stays colder longer than side roads. Was it just to much to ask the alpine S to cope with, I'm no Gardner btw so please any help will be gratefully received in layman a terms I was no good at Latin in school I'm the same now. But HELP
SHannie 04 New to this sight so be gentle with me lol.thank you
12 Jun, 2018
Welcome from me too.
Succulents generally enjoy lots of sun so that's probably why they were unhappy.
How much space are we talking about -the whole area or a border round a lawn etc? Could you have a critical look at the soil and see if its gone hard in this dry weather, and can you remember when you dug it to start with whether it was dryish and granular or whether it was in rather sticky lumps, or something in between? Different plants like different sorts of soil as well as amounts of light. Different amounts of care too, so are you wanting to learn to look after them or do you want it to be able to leave it to get on with things without a lot of attention?
There are some plants that will flower in shade but not all so that's another thing to think about. If you would like to see a range of flowering plants that do like shade have a look at the website of Long Acre Plants - they only sell shade tolerant plants so you can get some ideas from that and let us know the sort of thing that appeals to you..
And if you could add a photo to your question it would help people to make suggestions.
(And you don't have to understand Latin to become a good gardener...)
12 Jun, 2018
I have a similar area in which I can grow ferns, alchemilla mollis (Lady's Mantle), hardy fuchsia 'Mrs Popple' and arum lilies. The lady's mantle and arum lilies are in bloom now and the ferns have just unfolded fully in the darkest corner. The fuchsias grow quite tall and will bloom later on after the other flowers have faded and in the spring there will be erythroniums and a few primroses. I have found out what will grow by trial and error over a number of years!
12 Jun, 2018
Welcome, Shannie! We promise to be gentle: no trolls or flamers are allowed here!
My climate is very different from yours, so other members will probably be more helpful in filling out your choices, but here's what I have from general garden knowledge:
Chances are, the alpines and hardy succulents died from too much shade. Think sunny meadows and rock crevices high up in the Alps. Bulbaholic will probably have more info on the few kinds that can tolerate shade. If you are just looking for low growing plants, my limited experience in northern Arizona suggests dwarf Hostas, Dwarf Periwinkle ('Bowles' is showy), Creeping Oregon Grape, some kinds of Violets, and dwarf Leopard's Bane.
12 Jun, 2018