By Hprlady
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant please. It was growing in the hedge on a footpath. Thanks

29 Aug, 2010
I agree it's Lords and Ladies or cuckoo pint, and extremley poisonous, take care not to touch.
29 Aug, 2010
Sorry Grandmage but whilst it is poisonous, it is not that bad. There have been no recorded deaths from this plant in Britiain for nearly 200 years.
Pamg. It gets its name (and many of the 99 0thers) from the shape of the flower, It has a central section which looks like the male member hence Lords and the other part which resembles the female part, hence the Ladies.
29 Aug, 2010
Even so Ob, I have checked on Wikipedia and I quote ' These attractive orange berries are extremely poisonous, they contain oxalates of saponins which irritate the skin,mouth,tongue and throat and result in swelling of the throat, difficulty in breathing, burning pain and upset stomach ! '' It is one of the most common causes of accidental plant poisoning attendances at most A & E depts !!!!' So If you know nothing about this plant and HprLady does not, then it is wise to let people know!
29 Aug, 2010
Thanks for all the answers.
30 Aug, 2010
well I didn't know that Ob!
30 Aug, 2010
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if you mean the berries then I think its Arum-- commonly called 'lords and ladies' (but I've no idea why?)
29 Aug, 2010