By Jim1955
United Kingdom
I have just joined and this is my first question. My 2 grandaughters are pestering me to build a pond in my garden. I only have a small garden but there is a rockery next to my garage wall, this space is 4M long and 1M wide will I be able to fit a long thin pond in this space?
29 Aug, 2010
I can't see why not - you'll have to use butyl rubber pond liner, obviously, cos no preshaped one will be the right shape. You maybe don't need it to be 4m long either, you could just make it 2metres long instead.
29 Aug, 2010
You could make the pond a feature of the rockery... Out of curiosity how old are the grand daughters? Welcome to GoY Jim
29 Aug, 2010
Easily done. Butyl pond liner, as Bamboo says. Aim for about 2ft deep at deepest (just a small part needs to be that deep - to provide a cool spot in summer and a frost free spot in winter), and the rest shelved or sloping. I prefer slopes, and use hessian sacks full of clay into which I plant the pond plants (Growbag style). The sacks don't slide down the sloped or shelved sides, whereas pots never stand square. If you have to do fish, then wildlife will not do as well as without. Goldfish feed on too much of it. I would do a wildlife pond, and let the creatures come in on their own, and it will. If you introduce stuff, you never know quite what comes in with it.
Phil J
29 Aug, 2010
i have seen small preformed ponds at g.c. it wud b less work useing 1 of these, then arrange ur rock around it and plant up. lovely.......... there are plenty of ideas on here . and wellcome from me as well. ;0))
29 Aug, 2010
Thanks for all your comments and your welcomes
29 Aug, 2010
Welcome Jim, go to anchormans blog on ponds.
30 Aug, 2010
I can't help but scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the letterP , there should be a section there that may help, welcome to Goy, hope you find what you are looking for
29 Aug, 2010