By Hprlady
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant please? It was growing on a footpath we visited recently. Thanks

29 Aug, 2010
Bit out of focus, but if you mean the red berries then it looks like Arum maculatum (or if there are variegated leaves, Arum pictum) Lords and Ladies, Cuckoo pint or any one of about 100 names.
29 Aug, 2010
The photo is rather blurred but I think it is Arum Here's a link to a photo from Google
29 Aug, 2010
Since it was growing wild then Arum maculatum, the others are garden plants and not native.
29 Aug, 2010
It is wild arum, seeds are poisonous, so no cooking and eating them!
Phil J
29 Aug, 2010
Thanks for the response! I only had my mobile with me to take the photo - hence the blurred pic! I tried putting in the link Anchorman but it came back as unknown.
29 Aug, 2010
I've just tried the link myself and it won't work! I've had this problem a couple of times when copying and pasting links from this site into google or the search bar . Try copying the link, pasting it into a word document and clicking it from there. This worked for me so there can't be anything wrong with the link itself..
29 Aug, 2010
If you mean the seed head that is from an Arum.
29 Aug, 2010