By Flack
Ficus trees are outdoors[(non flowering, just foliage]They are now covered in white cotton wool,which is falling off like snow .What is it AND how do I get RID of it? Many thanks.
29 Aug, 2010
Ah, you must be the Guest who asked earlier, Flack, welcome. Could be woolly aphid, could be button or some other form of scale, could be mealybug - if you can't post a picture, then suggest you google those three conditions for pictures to ID your problem. There are many forms of scale, some of which produce large amounts of white fluffy stuff, and a lot which don't.
29 Aug, 2010
Check out your previous question, Flack. I've left some advice there.
29 Aug, 2010
Interesting and highly possible suggestion from Philjeffs there - be great if it was just that, no need to do anything, lol!
30 Aug, 2010
Check it's from them. I doubt it. I wouldn't mind betting that's seed being shed from some nearby poplar trees. Phil J
29 Aug, 2010