By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
Does anyone know why has this daylily got three parts to pollinate? Stigma? It looks very strange close up.

8 Jul, 2018
yes I agree the stigma is correct but some of the stamens haven't separated into individual anthers[the tip that has the pollen ] and filaments [the stalks that hold the filaments aloft]
9 Jul, 2018
There are a couple of deformities (good and bad) that happen with daylilies. If it was a double, the stamen can develop into extra petaloid material and gives the appearance of a petal with the anther on the end. It is called a Peony type Double. It is when the pistil deforms that the flower (but not the plant) becomes sterile. If a second pistil does happen, both are also sterile.
9 Jul, 2018
Thanks for all that information. Just a bit of a blip this year then hopefully.
9 Jul, 2018
Previous question
Nope, just a slight bobble on the part of the plant. Three of the anthers (male parts) are slightly deformed. The stigma is the filament with the triangular tip in the middle.
9 Jul, 2018