Some plants have appearing in our communal garden which I think are weeds
By Parklands
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Some plants have appeared in our communal garden which I think are weeds. I do not want to remove them in case a resident has planted them. Can anyone help identify them for me please?

14 Jul, 2018
Just a tip though - if there are any nettles around leave one single plantain plant because the leaves are very much better than dock leaves for nettle stings! (You can always remove the flowers if you don't want it to seed around.)
15 Jul, 2018
I thought the top one was Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). It just looked as if it had too many flower buds for a creeping thistle - might be wrong of course!
15 Jul, 2018
Thanks for your input. It is appreciated. Both plants have lanceolate leaves, the first being soft and scented, with small white flowers forming. The second has long shiny leaves and long stems supporting the seed heads.
15 Jul, 2018
Welcome to goy Parklands. First one might be creeping thistle and the second plantain. The first one will have purplish flowers and the second is providing lots of seeds. I would dig both out. Google the suggestions to see if I am right first. Are there too many residents to ask? Maybe a communal notice board to leave queries and messages would be a good idea if you are not in daily touch with the others.
15 Jul, 2018