Surrey, United Kingdom
Can anyone id this small butterfly? I've never seen anything like it before
- 19 Jul, 2018
Its definitely not a butterfly, and never having heard of nor seen a mint moth, I looked it up, and that does seem to be what it is... I''ve seen some very pretty moths recently, but never this one...
19 Jul, 2018
Agree with Shirley "Mint Moth" this can be seen during the day flying around
19 Jul, 2018
Have just seen one feeding on marjoram I didn't know what it was either. Excellent that I can put this down as a Mint Moth for the butterfly survey, after checking online. Thankyou Youngalistair for asking the question.
20 Jul, 2018
Yes it is a mint moth. I have them on my mint and a couple of other herbs. They are very tiny but I can put up with them.
20 Jul, 2018
That's ok it's very pretty and has what looks like gold markings never seen gold before
21 Jul, 2018
Previous question
Looks like a Mint Moth ... flies during both day and night. Feeds on Mints and Marjoram.
19 Jul, 2018