lime - repot?
By Aesir22
United Kingdom
Hi everyone :) I am new here, but see its a good place to come to get advice from experienced people!
I bought a tahiti lime tree. It has only one lime on it, but I am not overly fussed at the moment about it producing fruit and flowers. I want to make it healthy first! It isnt in the best shape i don't think! But I will make it happy in its new home :D
I don't know whether or not to repot. I know it is best to repot in spring when it it just starting new growth, but son't limes have strange growth patterns? I found an earthworm in the soil yesterday, and am not sure if anything migh be doing damage down there! I also do not believe the soil is free draining enough! if i do repot, i hear disturbing the root ball can be dangerous, but dont i want to get rid of the bad soil?
If I repot it, is it going to cause too much stress, or will it live through the stress and come back strongly? I know citrus are fussy and drop leaves and fruits on a whim to show us their displeasure, but I would definitely like to see it get better!
Thank you in advance!!

17 Aug, 2008
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citrus fruits
I repotted it today, and wired it so that it would grow properly. garden center had it wired so it grew horizontally and upside down how bad is that?!?!
17 Aug, 2008
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I think you could risk repotting, but maybe it just needs a good feed. Try spraying the foliage daily and once a fortnight with Phostrogen or similar liquid fertilizer as per makers instructions. Keep in good light but not direct sunlight.
17 Aug, 2008