East Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have a 3foot orange tree in a pot should i bring it in for the winter ?
29 Nov, 2009
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citrus fruits
Tonight's going to be frosty so best do it today.
29 Nov, 2009
~ yes yes and yes!asap!I have had one frosted in the past and it is not a pretty sight!~
I think the recommendation is not less than 10 degrees~
this is from the RHS~
Native of warm areas such as the Mediterranean, citrus can be grown in cooler climates provided they can be kept frost-free during winter. With increasingly milder winters and improved hardiness of new cultivars this may become unnecessary.
There is a range from which to choose: sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis), mandarins (C. reticulata), lemons (C. limon and C. x meyeri), limes (C. aurantiifolia), grapefruits (C. x paradisi), kumquats (Fortunella japonica), and calamondins (x Citrofortunella microcarpa).
Their fragrant, creamy-white flowers appear on one-year-old shoots in late winter, and the fruit ripens nine to 12 months later. Because their fruits take so long to mature they are often in flower and fruit at the same time.
Site and soil
Position citrus plants in as sunny a spot as possible, especially in a cool climate, as it’s essential they receive sufficient sunlight to ripen.
While some species are more cold tolerant, none is fully hardy and so benefit from being brought into a frost-free place for winter.
Despite often being marketed as such, citrus generally don’t make good houseplants where there is a dry atmosphere caused by central heating.
29 Nov, 2009
I brought my Lemon tree in about 1 month ago it certainly wouldnt survive the winter here, I put it in my conservatory that has a heater set to come on if the temp; drops lower than 15deg; Im struggling with leaf drop at the moment as Ive been spraying because of mealy bug!!!
I only water when nearlly dry as well, as they need less in the winter months and only an occasional feed.
I wouldnt consider myself an expert as I have managed to lose at least two Calomondi orange but that was down to pruning too far back!! if you need to prune do it very gently or else you might lose yours they dont like to be cut back to the old wood.
30 Nov, 2009
Absolutely, yes, as soon as possible
29 Nov, 2009