United Kingdom
Searched all the books I have and can't identify, help please.

24 Jul, 2018
Agree. Acacia dealbata. Common shrub in garden centres in the UK.
24 Jul, 2018
If they don't do anything when touched, it could be one of the Acacias.
24 Jul, 2018
Leaves don't faint, but I guess Acacia Dealbata fits the bill, I have it in a container on the patio and it has never flowered yet. Thank you for the valuable assistance.
25 Jul, 2018
Hi, I think this could be a Grevillea robusta, only mature plants flowe, and they're tender, needing a minimum winter temperature of 40f or warmer, Derek.
27 Jul, 2018
Previous question
Do the leaves 'faint' when touched? It looks like Mimosa Pudica.
24 Jul, 2018