By Nursey123
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hello, trhis may seem a silly question to the more experienced fruit growers, but how do you know when to pick fruit from trees? My miniature pear tree has finally, after three years of no show, produced a lovely display of pears. Can't remember the name of the tree but it was one of the self-pollinating ones. The pears are rock hard at the moment but some are of a good size. Thank you.
11 Aug, 2018
Thanks Jimmytheone, will keep this in mind.
14 Aug, 2018
I'm no fruit expert but I would say that you need to cup a fruit in the palm of you hand and very gently try and twist it. If it comes away from the tree easily then they are ripe. Varieties like Conference will be picked when they are (hard), under ripe and stored for winter. By your description, I would say that you still have some way to go before harvesting.
11 Aug, 2018