Marked Apples
United Kingdom
I was wondering if anyone could please tell me why for the second year running, my apples after starting off good all end up pitted as in the pictures.

3 Sep, 2018
Bugs! worms! Looks like something was supping on your apples.
3 Sep, 2018
Thank you very much Owdboggy and Bathgate for your answers. I will read up about and try all the things that you have mentioned.
3 Sep, 2018
A classic case of Apple Scab. Not a lot you can do about it, there are no(that I know of) fungicides available to the amateur. Copper sulphate does protect to some degree and is reasonably organic.
Having said that, it is to a large extent cosmetic and the flesh of the apple is still edible after peeling.
There is also evidence there of Codlin moth damage. Again there are sprays available, but who wants to eat fruit covered in chemicals?
Try spraying in Feb/March with a Winter wash of Horticultural soft soap to kill off the overwintering bugs.
Put a grease band around the tree to catch any larva as they crawl down the tree to overwinter in the soil.
3 Sep, 2018