United States
Hi! I would like to know what is the name of this plant (or tree) in order to take care of it appropriately (in terms of sun exposition, watering, and so on). Thank you so much for your help.

3 Sep, 2018
It doesn't look very well, but it might be Attalea speciosa, the Babassu tree... a plant from the lowland tropics, where there's high humidity see link below
3 Sep, 2018
It's a Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) That hasn't had enough light for the last several years.
I would keep it within 6 feet of a large window. It can even take some direct sun, unless you live in the desert.
For watering, I would let the top 1/2 inch of soil dry out between waterings, and then soak it well when I water it.
For feeding, use a low phosphate houseplant food, according to package directions.
3 Sep, 2018
Just a wild guess (as really need a close up pic of the leaves) - but it has a look of an Araucaria heterophylla that has had a really good growth spurt but also the pendulous branching they get from being indoors.
Oops - I've just realised you posted first, Tugbrethil
3 Sep, 2018
Tugbrethil is right on the money! It's a Norfolk Island Pine. It's pictured on the Norfolk Island Flag. No sun for these. They will burn up in no time. Bright indirect light only & keep moist at all times. Keep away from dry heat. It comes from a subtropical climate - like Florida. Mild temperatures only with humidity.
4 Sep, 2018
Actually, it depends on where you live. Here in the Azores, they reach 50+ feet. If it is warm enough in the winter, it can go outside (like coastal Southern California). If not, then winter protection is required.
4 Sep, 2018
Looks like some sort of date palm though that's a peculiar growing habit. Might be helpful in narrowing it down though?
3 Sep, 2018