By Bramhallbill
United Kingdom
Drought postscript.
I underwatered this year and a few plants that were in pots (even ones 20 yrs old) were in a sorry state.
Many leaves are still crispy scorched brown looking but there is green on some, so all is not lost.
I had a pair of standard magnolias.....leaves shriveled up on both & I took them off. One has new leaves regrown on a new branch lower down.....the other has new green on existing much for symmetry!
Have others found it hard to start again?
5 Sep, 2018
2nd Magnolia is sprouting something in September
5 Sep, 2018
My biggest problem was the grass. It has recovered now but even with constant watering the grass seed remained dormant. It is growing now.
6 Sep, 2018
Previous question
« I normally plant tulips & daffs in pots with a feature plant in the centre or...
I've lost an Erysimum that, in the Spring, bloomed profusely and scented the air. It flowered twice then gradually gave up. The stems were dry with no sign of green in them at all. I've also lost a rockery plant, a dwarf Marguerite. Same thing, dry dead stalks and no green when scratched. I shall replace both next year. My ground cover clematis looks unhappy too but tonight I plant to water with the hose. We only have a small garden.
Other things which looked sickly have picked up, mostly because we did have some rain which helped enormously. We still need plenty more though.
Good luck with the magnolias. It sounds as if they're recovering.
5 Sep, 2018