By Steragram
United Kingdom
My young Syringa Palibin had quite small flowers. The ones I see on line have bigger ones. Is mine possily so small because the plant is still young or have I just got a small flowered one? Sorry haven't got a photo.
20 Sep, 2018
Oh dear. Thank you Derek. Well the flowers were nowhere near 4" - less than half that. The pictures I saw on line were nothing like as tall as that - more like about three or four feet. Can it be pruned to keep it a bit less than 5 or 6 feet? I hope I haven't "bought a pup"!! I think in time I shall have to move my currently favourite fuchsia - but plenty of time to propagate it if it looks like getting too big.
21 Sep, 2018
it may be bigger flowered next year after it has settled down in its new home. better roots etc giving the plant a better chance to grow flowers.
22 Sep, 2018
Sue, if you keep it in a pot it should grow no more than 3 to 4 feet. Mine has quite small flowers but still a lovely fragrance :)
22 Sep, 2018
Hi Sue, this is a pruning group 1 or 2, so you can take about 1/4 or 1/5 of old shoots to the base, to promote new growth, but as Sheilabub says, if you keep it in a pot, it probably won't need to be pruned, but then you have the trouble of watering, [should we get another hot summer], hope this helps, Derek.
23 Sep, 2018
Thank you, all very encouraging.
Its in the ground. I rather wish I'd hunted around for a standard but its too late to convert it now. If it doesn't get bigger flowers I might be tempted to start again...
23 Sep, 2018
Hi Sue, I'm sure the flowers will be bigger next year, Derek.
23 Sep, 2018
Thank you for the encouragement Derek. Maybe I'll go out and have a little word with it tomorrow...
23 Sep, 2018
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« I'm planning to plant hardy ferns in a shaded spot. I have a couple of large...
Hi Sue, this is a cultivar of S meyeri, a compact shrub, slow growing, up to about 5 or 6 ft, spread 5ft, flowers in dense panicles up to 4" long, so the flowers may get a bit larger as the tree ages, Derek.
21 Sep, 2018