By Jjulio
South Africa
Can you identify this plant?

23 Sep, 2018
I'm thinking a mallow of some sort, but I'll have to look it up.
24 Sep, 2018
Have a look at Sphaeralcea.
24 Sep, 2018
I thought of Sphaeralcea--especially S. coccinea--first, but I hoped otherwise, since that would be terribly invasive in Africa. I haven't found any better candidates, though.
24 Sep, 2018
It was the leaf which threw me a little. Could well be a Pelargonium, S.A. is the home of them. Also the petals are not as wide spreading as in Sphaeralcea, or at least the one I know.
24 Sep, 2018
Previous question
I think it's a Geum
23 Sep, 2018