By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Oriental lilies. I planted some lilies a couple of weeks ago and noticed that some are already about 2-3 inches through. They were planted at the prescribed depth. However question is - do these new shoots need protecting through the winter? Some daffs are also showing but I know that they will survive. thanks
22 Oct, 2018
its an odd time of year to plant them unless you are moving from pots to the ground. they may well be ok but I think i'd put a mulch over them.
22 Oct, 2018
They were planted a couple weeks ago. This is the season for bulb planting so I think it's fine. Still, a mulch covering is an excellent idea. It's like a warm comfy blanket for those chilly nights.
22 Oct, 2018
in the uk they are not usually available for sale until the spring ready for summer flowering Paul, that's why I was surprised. I find mine die back about now and stay dormant until late spring. In fact today I have been knocking them out of their pots and checking for vine weevil grubs and lily beetle pupae. There are no roots so they have been cleaned and re-potted in fresh compost and put in the shed frost free.
22 Oct, 2018
Yes, but they must go through the full cycle before they bloom again. Just a green tip breaking the surface is normal. It wont actually bloom again until next year.
22 Oct, 2018
The pack of bulbs was sent out by T&M as a freebie. Advice was to plant straightaway. They are available to buy on the website. I will mulch over the area as we are expecting an artic blast this weekend.
22 Oct, 2018
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« Can anyone help identify this plant which has recently appeared on our lawn?
If they were planted at the right depth (15 inches or so), they will be fine. The depth protects the bulbs from freezing & keeps them cool in the hot summers. It also eliminates having to stake them. I've had them for several years. They need the cold winter in order to produce those huge flowers.
22 Oct, 2018