By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
revisit amarines. Hi all , I asked a question about amarine, nerines and amaryllis belladonna a few weeks ago. Here's my update - no nerine flowers but all bulbs showing new growth. 2/3 of new amarines flowered and look lovely ( T&M guaranteed to flower in first year) the non flowering one has split into 2 bulbs. Amaryllis belladonna 0/3 non flowering again. Probably too much shading out by surrounding plants, so will dig up and replant in spring. How about the rest of you?
22 Oct, 2018
Mine are in full flower. They live in a container in a corner sheltered on three sides and open to full sun in the south. I normally get 13 blooms but only 12 this year - I think something ate the shoots of the other one. Like Seaburn I don't see any leaves until the flowers have finished. Agree about the need for full sun. Maybe the bulbs enjoy baking in the summer?
22 Oct, 2018
My nerines are just about starting to flower now - lots of buds, one or two partially open. Still got some green leaves, removing yellowing ones almost daily.
22 Oct, 2018
I just sowed the seeds I got from crossing Crinum 'Ellen Bousanquet' to both my red and white Amaryllis belladonnas. I am waiting for the seeds to ripen of both types of Amaryllis x Nerine for some new Amarines. I find the Amarcrinums and Amarines are too pink and want to try for some that are almost red. The nerines have leaves on all of them, and will grow through the winter (because it doesn't get frost here).
24 Oct, 2018
Well my nerines are in full flower and they wont produce new leaves until the spring so I am surprised that you have new leaf growth. they do like to be 'baked' by the summer sun so those that are getting shaded out will be better moved or having some of the shading plants removed. I like the fact t&m say they can guarantee flowers, unless they can look into every bulb it is a vain claim. I'd be tempted to contact them to say that you do not have 100% flowers and see what they say. you may get some freebies ;o)
22 Oct, 2018