By Rwagner
United States
We just bought a Dipladenia plant that has been grown in a container for hanging. The reputable nursery said that I could grow and trane it on a trellis. I'm a little confused by the different sizes given here. Just buying it today it is approx. 2ft by 2ft and FULL of flowers. We are here in Fort Myers, Fl. I have gone back and forth between a Mandevilla, then a Bougainvillea and ended up with the Diplad. I have no other specifics about the kind of plant I have purchased. I'm going to be designing and building my own Trellis, so I need to know how big to make the Trellis. Any secret clues to come up with? Thanks a million. Jen W
25 Oct, 2018
Do you have a tag with the cultivar name? If not, what color are the flowers? The different varieties have different growth rates, but generally the red and deep rose varieties grow more slowly than the white and pink kinds.
26 Oct, 2018
Welcome to GoY :o)
I have one of these in my conservatory. its a deep pink and I keep it at about 3ft. its in a large pot. I trim it regularly and it does really well.
26 Oct, 2018
There's a guide in the link below to the difference between Mandevilla and Dipladenia - you will need to copy and paste into your browser, or highlight it and do a web search. These plants are often misnamed at point of sale, so you might have bought Dipladenia, or it might be Mandevilla - the difference is largely in growth habit; the stems on Dipladenia dangle downwards, whereas Mandevilla is a climbing vine that always has upward growth.
26 Oct, 2018
This vine can get up to 16 feet but loves to twine & weave in and out, laterally & vertically. You may opt to trim & maintain a certain height. I would start out with an 8 foot trellis since that's the length of a standard piece of lumber at The Home Depot & Lowes - easier work for you. If you need to, you can always add to it later.
26 Oct, 2018