By Charnwood
Good evening all my question is, my Dahlia has 2 flowers left on and I'm wondering as I want to move it should I wait until they have gone over or dig up now before it gets too cold, thanks.
26 Oct, 2018
Thanks Jto I was hoping to replant it soon would that be really wrong?
27 Oct, 2018
There would be little advantage to replant until Springtime. Best idea would still be to store it out of the wet and cold. Unless your garden is sheltered and very free-draining, then the tuber will likely rot off.
27 Oct, 2018
I would be inclined to let the cold or frosts wilt it. Then dig it up take off the deaf foliage and let it dry off; then store it in a frost-free environment until the springtime.
27 Oct, 2018