By Julien
United Kingdom
Garrya elliptica, are these temperamental when it comes to forming the tassels/ catkins? A friend has the male one james roof which has in the past been dripping in catkins, some years plenty then some years none, it’s in the correct situation and this year was hand pruned by myself in early spring, plenty of new shoots but only a handful of forming catkins at the moment, what do you think?
7 Nov, 2018
the one down the street is having an off year. I suspect it is down to the dryness during the summer when buds were forming. I have very few buds on my Camellia this autumn.
8 Nov, 2018
The one round the corner from where I live is variable too... perhaps it does depend on water supply/heat during the previous summer, not sure.
8 Nov, 2018
Ok thanks for the reply’s, I think we will let it be for next year, with only minimal pruning in the spring and hopefully this time next year it will be a mass of catkins.
8 Nov, 2018
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Mine has 'on' years and 'off' years, but I haven't worked out why
7 Nov, 2018