By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
just an update. I asked a question in the summer about root trimming a camellia in a pot. I decided to try this as I was going to move the whole thing into a new area of the garden but wanted to check it liked the situation before planting out. So, the good news is that the root trimming appears successful. The shrub has plenty of new buds. The bad news was that the recent winds managed to blow the whole thing over ( a large clay pot which broke) so its now in a bigger plastic square pot but it was pleasing to see that there was plenty of new roots to be seen. BTW has anybody else got gladioli flowering in the garden? I also still have lupins in flower.
8 Nov, 2018
Would you believe it, philadelphus in flower, not fully but quite a few flowers, and cyclamen coum and pussy willows starting to emerge.
8 Nov, 2018
I was concerned to see developing flower buds on Magnolia stellata. I may well cry if it doesn't whoa up and flower at theproper time...
8 Nov, 2018
I've got a chilli plant In a pot in the garden which is covered in red chillies.
8 Nov, 2018
I have a huge Dahlia imperialis covered in single and double lavender flowers, but it is supposed to start blooming now, and will continue all winter. Also a begonia stalled during late summer, but is now covered in flowers. My winter-growing gladiolus have come up, but it is early for them to flower (but not for a Moraea). The daylilies are still in bloom.
9 Nov, 2018
Previous question
« Clematis pruning group B. I'm probably just being dense but when instructions...
My ivy leafed geranium that's been growing up a support on the wall since 2011 is in full flower right now ... very pink on my balcony, what with that and the Nerines... got an odd flower or two on the polyanthus, but apart from the pansies and cyclamen, that's it, though I did notice a spray of flowers opening on the Berberis darwinii and on the Convulvulus cneorum in the garden yesterday.
Glad your root pruning was successful - that's something I rarely risk doing.
8 Nov, 2018