By Dreeny8
United Kingdom
Would some kind person tell me the best Primulas to buy. I believe most will grow in shade/partial shade. I woul;d like to plant around shrubs and bulbs. Thankyou.
1 Sep, 2010
The best ones to buy are the ones you like. :-) I find they're happier in shade than in sun and have had to move them several times when I've put them in too sunny a spot - again.
1 Sep, 2010
I have some different types and they are all in the shade and grow well...a bit nibbled at by snails at times but nothing they can't cope with. My personal favourite are Primula auricula and I also like the drumstick ones that Bulbaholic mentions, but Beattie is right - buy the ones you like. They do inject a bit of colour at what can otherwise be a drab time of year.
1 Sep, 2010
I suppose that location is a matter of geography. Here I like them to get lots of sunshine but they don't get the baking that they would so much further south.
2 Sep, 2010
Dear All,
Thanku so much for your replies. I think I shall go for the "Candelabra" and let u know how all my new plantings go next year.
dreen y
2 Sep, 2010
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Many primulas prefer a sunny site, Dreeny, but will tolerate semi shade. For semi shade amongst bushes etc I would be looking at some of the asiatic varieties. The drumstick primulas, Primula denticulata, could suit as could the candelabra species (eg P. alpicola or florindae) along with many hybrids. Try looking at hese on the web and see what you think.
1 Sep, 2010