Dreeny8's Profile

About me
I was born in London but have lived in Hertfordshire since the 1960's. I am a keen gardener and completed addicted to Family History which I've been doing for over 20 years.
I have lived in a bungalow for the past years 2 yrs and the previous owners had started a Cottage Garden. I'm tring to keep and improve this type of garden but although I am full of ideas havn,t yet acheived what I have in mind. We grow the majority of our plants from seed and have had reasonable success but not all behave as I would like.
Most succesful have been Marguerites, Lupins,Pansies and Sweet Peas, the latter three grown on from saved seed.
I guess Rome wasn't built in a day. Have many plants
coming on in the greenhouse this year so maybe I'll begin to see the beginning of what I want.
Any suggestions for cottage garden effects welcome.
Finally, although I have a fairly large garden there is not
exactly masses of available planting space as 2 beds are in the shade and a very large one at the bottom of the garden has a lot of trees.
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Hertfordshire