By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Saxifraga id please.
I know it is S fortuneii but which one? I used to have blackberry and apple but doesn't that have green leaves? I do have a wada's form but again they are meant to be dark green. these are more purple/maroon.

15 Nov, 2018
its a possibility but the name doesn't ring any bells. I will have to go through my photos and see if I can find when I bought it.
15 Nov, 2018
2016 I bought a 'silver velvet' and the photo matches. Now I looked in my plant profile and it wasn't there but it is now. computer must have decided to say NO!
15 Nov, 2018
What kind of position are you growing it in please? I was given one and told it liked full sun, but it was quick to tell me that was wrong! So I put it to the North of my Magnolia, but that's grown so much that the poor thing has got buried in deep shade, so it's either move t again or cut off some lower branches. They are lovely things aren't they.
16 Nov, 2018
its in a part that gets little direct sunlight but not deep shade. it is always reliably moist, except after Aug this year when the ground was quite dry.
16 Nov, 2018
Ah well, guess its removal time again. Went to look today and the fallen magnolia leaves had totally covered it and you could only just see where it was (or had been...). Just hoping it will pick up now!
17 Nov, 2018
Hi Eileen, have a look at S fortuneii, 'Rubifolia', Derek.
15 Nov, 2018