By Kcornell
United Kingdom
I have a copper coloured Acer about 7 years old. I have kept it fairly low in height by pruning each year. I would now like to move it where it can spread and grow higher. Firstly can it be moved, secondly how do I do it, and lastly what time of the year should I do it! Thank you all you garden geniuses out there! x
2 Sep, 2010
in addition to Woody's info it's prudent to maintain a watering program throughout it's 1st year of transplant during hot weather to make sure the roots dont dryout before they get properly established.
2 Sep, 2010
Previous question
« i planted a monkey puzzel tree last year should i be feeding it????
Wait till Autumn,and after all the leaves have dropped,it will be fine to transplant,water well after,but don't drown it .
Dig around,about 18" so you get as much of the rootball as possible.Jim
2 Sep, 2010