By Debzz
United Kingdom
my scotch bonnet chilli are great but still green , how do i know when to pick them?
2 Sep, 2010
Scots Bonnet are best when they are red. Keep the growing area very warm especially at night. Keep in full sun for as long as possible and they will ripen - eventually.
3 Sep, 2010
Thank you for your help , yep they have gone red , so pleased have 7 on one plant 6 on the other . i brought them from b&q at around 4 inch tall (90p), been on my kitchen window , i brush the flowers with a paint brush and spray the whole plant with slighty warm tap water twice a week ( my grandmothers idea) hope i'm doing the right thing , i love scotch bonnet fruity flavor , , thanks again
8 Sep, 2010
Someone said cut back the plants and they will do next year too ? how much do you cut back ? do you water them over the winter i wonder .
8 Sep, 2010
I cut back to about 4".
Water sparingly during winter but don't let the growing medium dry out.
12 Sep, 2010
Ok thanks , so i cut right down to around 4 inch , so i will have just the main stem left like a stump ?
12 Sep, 2010
chillies are ready to use/freeze when green, try some in the green & leave some to ripen red. Mine are late to colour-up this year so all 7 varieties are still mostly green but a few are now red. They are in the poly tunnel but might bring them in to ripen off if I think it would help. We have had the harshest winter in 30 years, I guess this has had a knock-on effect for us gardeners. btw: scotch bonnet, never grown this one but I think your braver than me ;-) ps: just popped chilli photo's up in album. Taken a day or so ago.
2 Sep, 2010