By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Iris pumila - dwarf bearded iris.
My brother is considering buying these iris and wonders if they need care like their bigger relatives. I don't grow them so do any of you? Reading the books implies its like I germanica for habit and needs. just smaller.
23 Jan, 2019
thanks Bulba. Happy new year to you and Carol too. Hope the weather is not too severe for you.
23 Jan, 2019
We grow them here too, no trouble. Treat exactly like the big Bearded Iris. Bit short lived flowers though. Lovely when out.
24 Jan, 2019
thanks Owd. I will filch a couple from him. He often 'bulk' buys from Parkers and I end up with his spares. I love my brother :o)
24 Jan, 2019
I have just grown it in my alpine beds with a gritty soil and in the sun. Easy enough and a nice little plant.
23 Jan, 2019