By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
crab apples. Think I might have asked this beforebut cant find any info. My crab apple called Rudolf is still loaded down with apples even though I picked loads for crab apple jelly last November. The blackbirds stripped it last year by February but so far not much movement or dropped fruit. They have been frozen so question is will the fruit just drop off as the tree comes into bud or will I have to manually strip it? photo taken today.( sorry taken from Ipad but cant seem to rotate it.)

8 Feb, 2019
Goodness, there an awful lot of what look like deep red crabapples still present! Seems like the birds aren't interested for some reason... not sure what to say really, you'd imagine they'd drop off on their own (maybe they have started to with these winds we're having right now). Have you tried picking a few to see how tightly they're holding on? If they come away really easily, they'll likely fall on their own at some point.
8 Feb, 2019
Look on the bright side - you have lovely decorative crabs for longer than you expected - just enjoy them. Time will tell.
8 Feb, 2019
I have had to remove some from my trees in the past. They were still hanging on to the tree when the buds started to break. And they didn't come off easily either. I still have crabs on most of mine this year too. Especially the 'Red Sentinel', the 'Evereste' and 'Indian Magic'. Oh, and Comptesse de Paris as well. So my advice would be leave them as long as you can for the birds..the blackbirds will be taking them very slowly. And then remove them, but take a pair of snippers as they might not come away easily!
8 Feb, 2019
It looks gorgeous btw. :)
8 Feb, 2019
Thank you. The apples have been bright red until they were frozen. I wish I'd taken a photo when they were frosted.
8 Feb, 2019
Are the apples still green? Even if they have frost damage, somebody may still find it a tasty treat especially during these lean winter months - wildlife. The tree would naturally abort which is rare for a healthy tree. I would leave it until Spring.
8 Feb, 2019