By Joanairey
United Kingdom
Hi All!
Has anyone planted garlic cloves at this time of year? My autumn ones are coming along nicely but I thought I would try to prolong the garlic season.
8 Feb, 2019
Thanks Darren8. I have not had much luck with spring onions to date and I have heard that they are quite hard to grow.
10 Feb, 2019
Really!? I just drill holes in the bottom of old washing up bowls (or you can get cheap new ones in a £shop). Fill with multi-purpose compost & firm down to leave a couple of inches space at the top. Water gently but thoroughly, sprinkle some seed over, cover seed with 1/4 inch more compost then cover with transparent plastic. Leave in a sunny spot & that's all...
They'll take 3 or so weeks to appear if you sow in February but always come good for me.
I usually sow White Lisbon
10 Feb, 2019
OK Darren8, I'll certainly give this a try!
10 Feb, 2019
I've just returned home with a washing up bowl and some Spring onion seeds Darren. I forgot what type you said so haven't got white Lisbon but hope they will grow for me. Thank you for the idea.
I have just taken delivery of some garlic bulbs for my neighbour Joan and so she must be about to plant them now. She has an allotment and seems to grow most things. Anyway I also bought elephant garlic from Wilko to try. It says plant in February.
16 Feb, 2019
Thanks Ginellie!!
I took a risk and have just planted some garlic in containers. Here's hoping! I have thought of elephant garlic. Next time perhaps!
16 Feb, 2019
Haven't tried garlic but I'm a fan of starting spring onions outdoors from seed in a bowl late February. Got some real big uns that way!
I haven't researched it but maybe what makes alliums pungent & tasty also acts as a kind of anti-freeze?
9 Feb, 2019