By Freddigger
United Kingdom
I have a cold greenhouse and frame, what flower seeds can I sow now in February and early March?
18 Feb, 2019
many thanks
18 Feb, 2019
Sweet peas can be sown now. You'll find suggestions for the best time for individual seeds on the back of the packets. Most will suggest March - I would wait a couple of weeks. Later sowings tend to catch up
If you are keen to get started you could be preparing the sowing trays so everything is ready to go.
18 Feb, 2019
the ebst thing to do is look at the flowers you like and then look on the back of the packet. if they can be sown outside now then in an unheated greenhouse they will be fine. if you do start others off that need gentle heat they will have to go into the cold greenhouse later on or they will get too leggy. the same is true if you have a propagator, they may strat early but when too big for the propagator they have to go into the 'cold' greenhouse. night time is the problem as we are still prone to frosts.
annuals that are germinating outside at present for me are: nigella, snapdragons, poached egg plant and lupins [both annual and perennial ones].
welcome to GoY too :o)
18 Feb, 2019
Violas, sweet alyssum, calendula, African daisy (Dimorphotheca), English daisy, Iceland poppy, baby snapdragon (Linaria maroccana), and nasturtium also all sprout at low temps, in my experience. Of course, my ideas of low temperatures may be pretty wimpy for the UK, even in a cold greenhouse. :)
19 Feb, 2019
Can I say thank you to all who have responded to my quest
ion, I have found the answers very helpful. This is a good site.
19 Feb, 2019
This is the time to start up your seeds. Temperature should be no colder than 50°F at night. If the greenhouse is too cold, just start them up in the house. You can most likely transfer them to the greenhouse in a few weeks.
18 Feb, 2019