By Phloxie
United Kingdom
I want to start a small collection of Erythroniums for my garden. Wondered if anyone has any excess plants for sale.
2 Mar, 2019
to get the more unusual ones go to plant fairs they are oftena treasure trove. In the past I have bought some lovely ones from Andrew Ward's nursery at Norwell Nurseries Newark. He has a website and offers about 15 for sale.
I have bought tubers in the past and have had varying success. I had 10 dens canis and only 2 grew. the other 8 just failed.
3 Mar, 2019
Many thanks for your reply Jimmythe one I will keep my eye on the GC and buy a few if they are available to get me going. I will have a look at Norwells Nurseries as you suggest Sbg and buy some of the unusual ones.
3 Mar, 2019
If you soil is on the heavy side, mix some coarse grit or sharp sand in with the soil beneath to prevent rotting off of the tubers.
3 Mar, 2019
Thanks Jimmytheone, fortunately I have a very light free draining soil so should be okay.
3 Mar, 2019
I can also recommend Pottertons Nursery - they have a good selection of bulbs which they send out in early autumn
3 Mar, 2019
Thanks Andrewr I have bookmarked them and will be placing an order when they open in April.
3 Mar, 2019
If you can attend an alpine garden society show in your area Pottertons and other traders will be there. There is a show in April. The traders will bring your selection of plants to the show and save you postage and you will be able to see what they have to offer. Check the shows out on this link
4 Mar, 2019
Have you already got aquilegias? If not I was thinking they are a plant that grows in similar outdoor conditions but could be started indoors from fairly inexpensive seed now. There's a nice range of colours, etc. & if you have too many they're a good swap item at local meetings
4 Mar, 2019
The garden centres will shortly have many plants for sale but if you wait until August time there will be lots to buy as bulbs (tubers) of every variety which will be a lot cheaper than plants.
3 Mar, 2019