By Gardener55
United Kingdom
Daffodils flowers and leaves literally snapped!
Some daffoil that were planted in the open got severly damaged by some strong winds. Will the be ok next year?
8 Mar, 2019
if there is some leaf still showing then they will still make a new bulb next year but they may not flower until the following year.
they snap easier if there has been rain then winds. the stems are firm/rigid with water and then snap.
8 Mar, 2019
I am sure they will b ok for next year.....if you can salvage any of the daffs for a vase inside that would be a bonus.
They are very resilient bulbs and always come up trumps. I am not talking US president here!
Keep us informed.
9 Mar, 2019
Previous question
Daffs take nutrients back into their bulbs as the leaves die back so completely losing their leaves early could weaken them. Take advantage of the rain & sprinkle a balanced, granular fertiliser over the area now, that should compensate
8 Mar, 2019