By Newcomer22
United Kingdom
I have just received 72 perrenial plug plants, and I have potted them on into 3inch containers. Is it safe to leave them outside at night, unlike annuals.
28 Mar, 2019
Agree with Darren - they need hardening off first,so about 10 days of shifting them in and outdoors for extending periods, till they're out all night (preferably a mild night)
28 Mar, 2019
Make sure no frost is predicted before leaving them out or above 10ºC, 50°F.
29 Mar, 2019
I'd go through the usual hardening off process if I were you. A few hours in a sheltered spot, gradually increasing the length of time till you're sure night temperatures won't get near frosty.
If you've got any trays or anything to help carry a lot at once, that makes life easier
28 Mar, 2019