By Meadowland
Monmouthshire ,
United Kingdom
I'm thinking of buying one of the Loropetalum shrubs....a medium size which will be planted against a fence facing south west.I can remember a few members do grow this shrub and I would like to know just how hardy it is please..I know it isn't drought will have to be vigilant with watering and include a mulch at planting time.
On plant
3 Apr, 2019
this is what the RHS says about it.
H4 hardiness suggests -10 - -5c so in a mild winter it would be fine against a fence.
they are lovely shrubs.
3 Apr, 2019
Hi Julia, it’s understandable that you’re tempted - they are so pretty. I have mine in quite a large pot, kept in the greenhouse (unheated) all winter: it has been flowering for the last three weeks, and will stay sheltered until after the last frosts. I had another in a border in my previous garden, and tried covering it with straw etc. in the cold months but it didn’t survive. Hope that helps!
3 Apr, 2019
I think drainage may be key to getting this plant through the winter. I have really struggled with it, losing it a few times. My friend who lives a mile away and gardens on Bagshot Sand has a thriving specimen
3 Apr, 2019
You should definitely be able to grow a Loropetalum in Glouchester, UK with your mild winters. They can't take below −15 °C and your average winter temperature is well above. They are drought tolerant & rugged once established after the first year. Of course good drainage is essential & full sun for best coloring and flowering. They can get mangy looking in the shade. A very popular one in the US is 'Plum Delight'. A winner with its gentle weeping habit, outstanding color and wonderful fragrance. Here is a video:
Loropetalum chinesis 'Plum Delight'
4 Apr, 2019
That's and easy fix. All you need to do is mound it up.with compost & top soil. Build up the spot where you want to plant it so that it is slightly above grade and water will drain away from the roots. .
5 Apr, 2019
Isn’t this site great, Julia?! We can all share our experiences, and there always seems to be someone who can give welcome advice . . . terrific :)
6 Apr, 2019
I live in a frost pocket in Kent so my Loropetalum, (Chinese Witch Hazel) is grown in pot and spends the winter in a cool greenhouse. It does have the benefit of coming into flower very early. If you have a courtyard or very sheltered garden then I would give it a try. Just as a warning; my garden centre has a 5-year hardy plant guarantee but they won't include this plant.
3 Apr, 2019