Has any body got a photo of anemone multifida! the yellow one? i would like to get a good look at it as the web doesnt seem to show a decent photo of it.
3 Sep, 2010
http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/plants/plant_finder/plant_pages/1722.shtml has a photograph. On another site it is described as a rare wild flower plant of Newfoundland. There are also photos of it on this site http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=ANMU&photoID=anmu_012_ahp.tif
4 Sep, 2010
Hi just logged on first time for a while but thanks for your reply to my question on pics for the anemone ! .
11 Oct, 2010
Hello there, just googled it, there are 8,330 photographs. Seems to be variations on the yellows.
3 Sep, 2010