By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
I was given ten sleepers last year leftover from a job my grandson did. I'd like to make a raised bed for my small plants (in the pans at the moment). Is this feasable or would I need more sleepers?
I got the idea from seeing Andrew's garden in Bracknell on the open day but I'm not sure if I could put these plants in it. Am I aiming too high?

8 Apr, 2019
Looks like loads to me! They're easily thick enough to stack on their sides if you put in upright supports. They might need treatment to waterproof them but there are websites entirely devoted to 'raised beds from sleepers', so no lack of hints, tips & ideas from experts ☺
8 Apr, 2019
Thanks. I believe they're ten feet long but will have a measure up if/when it stops raining.
9 Apr, 2019
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Yes, you have more than enough for a raised bed 5'X10'. You don't give dimensions but 5'X10' is better than average.
8 Apr, 2019