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By Pammie

Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

See this in my garden , Anyone know what it is ,please
I’m. Curious



Could be an entry way to some sort of bee colony. Looks about the size of a bee. Honey Bee Suite.

29 Apr, 2019


It is a nest of a mining bee. We have them in our garden, they nest in areas of the lawn and flower beds, they don't do any harm and I feel privileged to have them. I believe the ones we have are the tawny mining bee. I don't use any weed killers or chemicals in the garden as bees of every type need all the help they can get. Have a read up about them, they are fascinating.

29 Apr, 2019


Yes i agree its a mining bee entrance. we had one a few years back. If you don't mind them they are excellent pollinators. and whilst they can sting [but rarely do] they are not as bad as say a wasp sting.

29 Apr, 2019


fascinating! I've never seen one before.

29 Apr, 2019


Bumblebees will also build nests in the ground - I have had several around my property.

30 Apr, 2019


I had never seen these before either but once you know what you are looking at I can see several entrances on our lawn. Bumblebees use old mouse nests too. Thank you for todays lesson. LOL!

3 May, 2019


Thanks everybody for answers ,learnt a lot and others have also

3 May, 2019

How do I say thanks?

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