By Julien
United Kingdom
Wisteria attacked by pidgeons, it’s a first for me, this old chap I work for watched from his window as six fat pidgeons enthusiastically gorged themselves on the emerging flowers, he was unable to do anything as he can not walk to well, this was two weeks ago just as the flower buds were to open, each flower has been nipped off leaving a little bit of stalk on each long stem, the only ones unaffected are the flowers on the tips which due to their weight they could not reach, the whole of the wisteria has been stripped, the strange thing here is that I have worked in this garden for eighteen years with pidgeons all around and never has the wisteria been attacked, has anyone experienced this too?
8 May, 2019
This happened every year to a mature wisteria in the courtyard where I worked. The whole area was pigeon paradise. They never stripped it though and there were still many many flowers even though there seemed to be as many on the ground. Don't think there is anything one can do except get your shotgun out.
8 May, 2019
The chap has brought one of those large plastic owls, the head moves in the wind and are apparently very good at deterring pigeons.
8 May, 2019
I hate pigeons and have a huge water pistol, bright green and orange, which I shoot at them. They now disappear as soon as they see it - works on the parakeets too.
9 May, 2019
Previous question
I haven't experienced this with pigeons on a Wisteria, but the greengage near the pond looks exactly as you have described, long stems with just the tufts on the end which they can't reach. Not much you can do about it, we open the window and shout 'bang' which is effective for that moment, but not much more! The Cherry tree further up the garden has been killed, with only one small twiggy branch left alive this year - due to pigeons stripping new shoots, the poor tree couldn't compete. It will have to go after the Clematis, which grows through it, has finished flowering. It's really irritating if you have hoards of pigeons, even the Ivy here has the new shoots stripped and bare branches.
8 May, 2019