By Wave129
United Kingdom
Have just purchased 100 Aubrieta Seeds, not sure where to put them, have put some in a pot, but looks like they like to be in brickwork, any ideas
8 May, 2019
Don't feel you have to get them used up this year. I've kept seed in a waterproof container in the fridge salad tray for 2 or 3 years & still got good returns
8 May, 2019
are you sowing them in trays first to get seedlings to then grow on or are you popping seed directly where you want it to grow?
personally I'd start the seeds in pots.
8 May, 2019
They'll grow at the front of a border or bed quite happily and make a good spring flowering edging plant, but they do need sun.
8 May, 2019
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« Good afternoon all, my question is do Tulips come back each yr? Tks
Rockeries or hanging over a wall
8 May, 2019